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王成 副研究员

发布者:学系 发表时间:2021-08-11 来源: 浏览次数:






系统生物学, 生物信息学, 代谢组学, 脂质组学, 全基因组关联分析, 机器学习, 癌症与慢性病预防与机理研究。

· 基于高通量质谱代谢组学数据,挖掘与疾病(以食管鳞癌为基础)相关的未知生物标记物及代谢通路,开发快速检测与预防的整合分析方法。

· 基于精神病人群队列代谢组学与基因组学数据,研究精神病药物代谢机理,为临床诊治提供有效分析途径。

· 整合现有精神病相关代谢组学,脂质组学数据,建立多组学相关联的可视化分析平台。


Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA

Postdoctral Researcher, Advisor: Prof. Gary Patti 2020-2021

The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, Advisor: Prof. Rafael Brüshweiler 2014-2019

Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA

M.S. Data Science2017-2019

China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China

B.S. Applied Chemistry 2009-2013


1. Wang, B.,+Wang, C.,+ Hanks, A.,* (2021) Where Are They and How Do They Perform After Graduation: Identifying Long-term Car eer Outcomes of Public Health Doctoral Recipients Using 2001-2017 Survey of Doctoral Recipients.Public health reports(Revision Submitted)

2. Hansen, A.L., Kupče, E., Li, D.W., Bruschweiler-Li, L.,Wang, C. & Brüschweiler, R.* (2021) 2D NMR-Based Metabolomics with HSQC/TOCSY NOAH Supersequences.Analytical  chemistry,93(15), pp.6112-6119.

3. Wang, C., Timári, I., Zhang, B., Li, D. W., Leggett, A., Bruschweiler-Li, L., Kopec, R.E., & Brüschweiler, R.* (2020) COLMAR Lipids Web Server and Ultrahigh-Resolution Methods for 2D NMR-and MS-Based Lipidomics.Journal of proteome research.19(4), 1674- 1683. (第一作者,中科院SCI2区, IF: 4.466)

4. Wang, C., Zhang, B., Timári, I., Somogyi, A., Li, D. W., Adcox, H.E., Gunn, J. S., Bruschweiler-Li, L., & Brüschweiler, R.* (2019) Accurate and Efficient Determination of Unknown Metabolites in Metabolomics by NMR-Based Molecular Motif Identification.Analytical chemistry,91(24), 15686-15693. (第一作者,中科院SCI1区, TOP期刊,IF: 6.986)

5. Knobloch, T. J., Ryan, N. M., Bruschweiler-Li, L.,Wang. C., Bernier, M. C., Somogyi, A., Yan, P. S., Cooperstone, J. L., Mo, X., Br üschweiler, R., Weghorst, C. M., & Oghumu, S.* (2019) Metabolic Regulation of Glycolysis and AMP Activated Protein Kinase Pathw ays during Black Raspberry-Mediated Oral Cancer Chemoprevention.Metabolites,9(7), 140.

6. Timári, I.,Wang, C., Hansen, A. L., Costa dos Santos, G., Yoon, S. O., Bruschweiler-Li, L., & Brüschweiler, R.* (2019) Real-Time P ure Shift HSQC NMR for Untargeted Metabolomics.Analytical chemistry,91(3), 2304-2311.

7. Leggett, A.,+ Wang, C.,Li, D. W., Somogyi, A., Bruschweiler-Li, L., & Brüschweiler, R.* (2019) Identification of Unknown Metabolomics Mixture Compounds by Combining NMR, MS, and Cheminformatics.Methods in enzymology,615, 407-422.(+co-first author) (第一作者,中科院SCI4区, IF: 1.94)

8. Yuan, J., Zhang, B.,Wang, C., & Brüschweiler, R.* (2018) Carbohydrate background removal in metabolomics samples.Analytical chemistry,90(24), 14100-14104.

9. Wang, C.,+He, L.,+ Li, D. W.,+ Bruschweiler-Li, L., Marshall, A. G., & Brüschweiler, R.* (2017) Accurate identification of unknown and known metabolic mixture components by combining 3D NMR with fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance tandem mass spectrometry.Journal of proteome research,16(10), 3774-3786.(+co-first author)(第一作者,中科院SCI2区, IF: 4.466)

10. Hansen, A. L., Li, D.,Wang, C., & Brüschweiler, R.* (2017) Absolute Minimal Sampling of Homonuclear 2D NMR TOCSY Spectra for High‐Throughput Applications of Complex Mixtures.Angewandte Chemie(International ed. in English),129(28), 8261-8264.

11. Li, D. W.,Wang, C., & Brüschweiler, R.* (2017) Maximal clique method for the automated analysis of NMR TOCSY spectra of complex mixtures.Journal of biomolecular NMR,68(3), 195-202.


Food for Health Graduate Student Fellowship, The Ohio State University 2017-2018

Graduate Student Fellowship for Data Science Program, Indiana University 2017-2019

Best Oral Presentation Award, 14th International Conference of Metabolomics Society 06/2018